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Russische Wissenschaftler: Elektromagnetische Felder verändern Blutserumstruktur

Quelle: hese-Project, Wissenschaft/Wissenschaftliches Institut für Gerontologie des Gesundheitsministeriums der Russischen Föderation

Russische Wissenschaftler haben herausgefunden, dass elektromagnetische Felder die Struktur des Blutserums verändern. Hieraus ergäben sich gute diagnostische Möglichkeiten zur Feststellung des Grades der Schädigung, da die Strukturveränderungen je nach Stärke der Belastung teilweise reversibel seien.

Englischer Abstrakt:

Method Of Determining The Effect Of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) On The Human Organism

(Professor V.N.Shabalin, Professor S.N. Shatohina)

Blood serum contains the integral information on all metabolic processes running in the organism. Each nuclear cell produces protein molecules, which are partly moved out in the blood. The structure of these protein molecules reflects the peculiar characteristics of metabolic processes running in the cell.

The suggested method of research is based upon the self-organization theory [1].

The structure building of biological systems is based on the step-by-step principle: simple structures are formed first, based on them increasingly more complex structures are built. The structuring of proteins in a cell is based not only on self-organization, but on a genetic program as well. Proteins form structures in the blood serum based on their inner program of self-organization. The cell structure is rigid and is hardly subject to any change under external physical or chemical influence. The structure of blood serum is highly dynamic and reacts to any physical and chemical impacts including EMR of various intensity most quickly.

There have not been any methods of finding highly dynamic structures of biological fluids until now. However, there are fundamental approaches to the study of these structures by converting biological fluids into the solid phase. Using these approaches we developed a special method called the method of wedge-shaped dehydration, since the wedge-like shape of a drying biological fluid is the crucial moment in the system self-organization of solutions.

The method is staged in the following way: a drop of blood serum in the volume of 0.01 ml is put on a degreased object-plate located strictly horizontal. The diameter of such a drop is 4-5 mm. The drop is dried up at the temperature of 20°-25°C and with the relative humidity of 55-60% given the minimal air mobility. The drop should be immovable during the drying process. The duration of the drying period (until the moment of the structure analysis) was 18-24 hours. The research of the structure building elements of a dehydrated drop was conducted using a Leica MZ-12 stereomicroscope. The given method is considered the most informative, requiring no special equipment, cost-saving and simple in the establishment techniques and the result analysis.

During the dehydration process ordered synchronized system centripetal and centrifugal moves of dissolved components are observed in the drop. These moves cause incessant changes of physical and chemical indices along the drop radius. They result in the system toric rotation of the whole mass of the drop in the vertical plane (see figure 1).

Figure 1. The form (torus) of the rotation of a blood serum drop mass during the dehydration process. Scheme.

As water leaves the distal areas of the drop the solid phase area starts forming. The dehydrated area is clearly seen and its ring widens rapidly to the center. During the dehydration process of a blood serum drop molecular complexes similar in their physical and chemical structure at the moment of transition into the solid phase concentrate as a circle of a certain radius - the transition area of high gradient density - the intermediate state between the liquid and the solid phase (figure 2).

Figure 2. Blood serum drop in the process of dehydration. Formation of a transitional area (indicated by an arrowhead) from the liquid phase into the solid one. Microscopy in a dark field. x35

In the transition area the calibering synchronization of autofluctuations of the molecular complexes forming it goes. It takes some time (5-15 seconds), during which the area is static. With the further vaporization of a biological fluid drop the decrease of water concentration in the transition area reaches the critical point. The moment of the phase transition comes. Visually it is a pulse movement (compression-release) of the transition area circle with an amplitude of 10-20 micrometers, which lasts for 1-2 seconds. It results in the formation of a solid phase circle - "a fixed concentration wave" (figure 3).

Figure 3. Fragment of a blood serum drop in the process of dehydration Concentric waves of various size (shown with arrowheads). x50

The next stage of the structure building goes in subsystems in the solid phase. Each sector of the dried drop divided by scratches starts structuring in its autonomous mode, i.e. independent from a similar process in the next area. Concentration waves consisting of microaggregates of organic and mineral substances combined in various proportions and in various space orientation are generated in segments (figure 4)

Figure 4. Fragment of a blood serum drop. Concentration waves in sectors and singularities (shown with arrowheads). x65

Thus, the drop dehydration results in the formation of a facia - a dry blood serum film, which is a "thin section" of a non-cell human tissue. Figure 5 shows a blood serum facia of a healthy person. Each pathologic process forms its specific structures in the picture of a facia [2].

Figure 5. Dehydrated blood serum drop of a healthy person. Structure in the normal state. x25

A facia is a structural macroportray reflecting molecular interrelations in a biological fluid and pathologic processes running in it. Therein is the highest value of the wedge-shaped dehydration method for clinical diagnostics. None other method of laboratory diagnostics gives information of such a considerable volume and quality. This method allows for locating not only the basic (leading) rhythms determining the state of a biological system in general, but also small specific waves characterizing all the specifics of metabolic processes inherent to the given organism. Wave structures of various range, basic and secondary, system and local, synchronized and independent found in a facia have space and time characteristics, which are individual for each organism. Specific features of these forms are determined by the energetic activity of bioorganic elements, specifics of their autofluctuations, their stability under external wave effects, the ability to submit the own wave rhythms of substances coming into their medium (tocsins, food products, medicaments, etc). The highly dynamic morphologic structures of biological fluids bear thereby the informative, administrative and executive core for the development of all other structures of the organism.

Our research into the effect of various types of EMR included the study of blood serum facias of patients before and after their exposure to helium-neon laser and EMR EHF. After the effect of the given therapeutic means characteristic changes were found in the blood serum facias of the patients: a considerable growth of radial and transverse joints, disappearance of a number of pathologic structures and the appearance of structures proving the normalization of physiological processes in the organism (figure 6).

Figure 6. Blood serum facias of a patient with a heart ischemia before(a) and immediately after (b) the laser effect.

Observation in dynamics showed that the response to the effect of EMR in the blood serum structures is formed immediately after finishing the session. Blood serum regains its original structures within 4-12 hours depending upon the severity of a pathologic process; the effect may last for a longer period (up to 3 days) with some patients. The course of EMR therapy may result in a stable normalization of a blood serum facia picture, which coincides with the positive clinical effect.

The value of this method is therein that it is the only objective way to estimate the changes in an organism under the effect of the electromagnetic field. The method may be used for screening studies of people being in an area of an excessive EMR, for professional selection and for developing defense systems for people having to be in the radiation area.


1. G. Hacken. Information and self-organization//Moscow, "Mir", 1991. 240 pages
2. V.N. Shabalin, S.N. Shatokhina. Morphology of biological fluids of a human organism//Moscow, 2001. 302 pages.

Scientific Research Institute of Gerontology Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

Russia, Moscow 129226, 1 Leonovskaya str., 16

Tel: 187-64-67
Fax: 187-61-11, 187-13-94


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