Mehr zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Henry Lai: Dauerhafte niedrige Belastung durch Mobilfunksender offensichtlich biologisch genauso wirksam wie kurzzeitige hohe Belastung durch Handytelefonat

Quelle: Dr. Claudio Gómez-Perretta, Valencia (Spanien)/Dr. Henry Lai, Washington (USA)

Dauerhafte niedrige Strahlenbelastungen durch nahegelegene Mobilfunksender sind biologisch offensichtlich genauso wirksam wie kurzzeitige hohe Strahlenbelastungen durch Handytelefonate. Nach Informationen von Dr. Claudio Gomez-Perretta, der kürzlich eine der ersten Anwohner-Studien in Spanien veröffentlichte, hat der bekannte EMF-Forscher Dr. Henry Lai eine entsprechende Hypothese aufgestellt. Hier die Aussagen von Lai im englischen Originaltext:

Henry Lai

Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, School of Medicine and College of Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA


For those who have questions on the possible health effects of exposure
to radiation from cell masts, there are studies that show biological
effects at very low intensities. The following are some examples: Kwee
and Raskmark [1997] reported changes in cell proliferation (division) at
SARs of 0.000021- 0.0021 W/kg; Magnras and Xenos [1997] reported a
decrease in reproductive functions in mice exposed to RFR intensities of
160-1053 nW/square cm (the SAR was not calculated); Ray and Behari
[1990] reported a decrease in eating and drinking behavior in rats
exposed to 0.0317 W/kg; Dutta et al. [1989] reported changes in calcium
metabolism in cells exposed to RFR at 0.05-0.005 W/kg; and Phillips et
al. [1998] observed DNA damage at 0.024-0.0024 W/kg. Most of the above
studies investigated the effect of a single episode of RFR exposure. As
regards exposure to cell mast radiation, chronic exposure becomes an
important factor. Intensity and exposure duration do interact to produce
an effect. We [Lai and Carino, In press] found with extremely low
frequency magnetic fields that 'lower intensity, longer duration
exposure' can produce the same effect as from a 'higher intensity,
shorter duration exposure'. A field of a certain intensity, that exerts
no effect after 45 min of exposure, can elicit an effect when the
exposure is prolonged to 90 min. Thus, as described earlier, the
interaction of exposure parameters, the duration of exposure, whether
the effect is cumulative, involvement of compensatory responses, and the
time of break down of homeostasis after long-term exposure, play
important roles in determining the possible health consequence of
exposure to radiation emitted from cell masts.

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